Saturday, January 19, 2008

On My Birthday!

Oh Lord! Truly speaking, every new dawn that you gave, is a fresh gift to me from you. For every person everyday is a new start; but Lord, today is my birthday. That’s why, today’s day should be a day of special prayer, special remembrance and special resolutions that I must make.

Today O lord! I do not ask for health, fame, honour or richness; but if I at all get it; I want the strength from you; so that I can use all these powers for everybody’s welfare.

On this day Lord! I do not wish you to give me an easy and paved path to success; nor do I wish for great luck to by-pass all problems; but if that happens; than that success should make me obliged of you; and if it does not, than that failure makes me softer at heart and stronger at mind.

People say that childhood days are the best days of life. Days of youth bring excitement and joy. But this energy, this strength, this ‘MASTI’, I do not loose in vengeance; and I do not stray away from you; that’s what I wish Oh Lord! I ask from you that great understanding so that I can strive to live as a better self and in a truthful way.

At present all I should do is earn more and more; go more into competition and go ahead of others in the race of success; prayers will have to wait till my old age – this is what I should NOT BE THINKING – is what I wish from you, oh Lord. I know this because doing prayers; or coming nearer to you is not the matter of money or wishes, it’s just the matter of heart and desire.

When we are young, we live as if we are never going to be old, but even sunset cannot be averted, and no flower can stop withering. That’s why my pride, desirous success, and all these destroyable things around me should not remain with me, I plead so. And when they do get destroyed, I become more sound, more receptive, more kind and I get the energy to make my heart more softer – this is what I wish from you.

I am grateful to you that you gave me birth in this world. I wish for a heart which loves this world for you. You happily created this wondrous nature to spread happiness; and I wish that I do not pollute it with my ignorance, my own-wishes; and I try to love all animals, plants and water and this land as a whole.

Each day, I climb one step of the ladder. Each day I come closer to you. Everyday, with some god deeds, I express you O Almighty! Who stays in my heart. I, in my small way, will make this world a better place to live in. Every moment I try to cheer myself, impress myself with good deeds, so that in the process of finding you in me - I start loving myself. Every year when today comes; I take another oath to make my next year more fruitful and I come more nearer to you.

Each birthday’s comes, and adds one more year to my life. It reminds me how quickly time is crossing, moving or rather flowing. Every moment is precious, when the inevitable end comes – I do not know. Tomorrow, I may not be there, so today I need to live to think that all my days - I begin a new life. At the same time, each day I am ready to spread my violet cloak in front of you.

Oh Lord, today on my birthday; I ask thus from you.
- Chirag Khara

1 comment:

SUDZ said...

Dude....i guess being alone in UK and celebrating your bday there away from family has made u wiser than ever b4.

I am surprised such words of wisdom are coming out a brain that was once so crooked!! ;-)

Dude...keep up the great writings .....abhi mujhe tera blog padhke complex aa raha he...